Do you want to explore the 3D internal structure of your product?
Are you new to microCT or do you want to explore your new product with this technology? Do you need a nice 3D picture for marketing purpose or your scientific presentation?
You don't want to spend your precious time in learning this complex technology. You simply want to receive a few representative 2D and 3D images to explore the internal structure of your object.
We provide a comprehensive insight in your new product
Do you want to characterize your specimens in a fast and reproducible way?
Does your daily work include the repetitive morphometric characterization of bone samples or biomaterials from pre-clinical or clinical studies? Do you have to reproducibly assess the internal structure of your products or bone samples for quality assurance or for fact sheets?
Your specimens need to be analyzed and visualized in the exact same way to re-use these endpoints in different studies or to confirm the consistency of your production process over time. In any case, you would like to avoid the tedious manual work due to operator-biased results and to have the specimens characterized in a fast and standardized manner.
We analyze your samples or biomaterials in a reproducible and cost-efficient manner
Are you looking for an experienced partner to explore the full potential of a 3D analysis?
The application of novel technologies like micro-computed tomography remains a challenge as it requires not only expensive investments but also experienced personnel to take advantage of their full potential.
Having samples from a pre-clinical study with biomaterials and/or implants, you want to discuss your research question with a partner that contributes many years of experience in this field.
To draw a precise conclusion your contractor should also support you in the interpretation of results including statistical analysis and ultimately help you to distinguish your products from your competitors.
We analyze your samples with innovative, customized concepts and help you to tap the full potential of micro-computed tomography